About Me

(I’ve been on a 2 year hiatus but recently started posting a few things…. πŸ™‚)


I am an avid reader and writer.

Years ago I joined a fundamentalist cult because I was afraid of sex and being bisexual. No, really.

I’ve moved on from religion but my obsession with all things sexual remains.

As a young adult I became a missionary and then a lay pastor preaching abstinence and decrying abortion, premarital sex, porn, and on and on.

After a long time, I realized I had been duped about human sexuality and rejected the repressive fallacy that claims (most) sexual expression is sin. Because it isn’t.

Human sexuality is diverse and complex and beautiful. Now I evangelize about sexual freedom, pleasure, erotica and sex sex sex. And…it’s awesome.

I just can’t stop thinking about the power of love, sexuality, desire or lack of desire…. all of it.

Oh, yeah. I read a lot of erotica and write some erotica and fiction. I support humans’ rights to express their sexualities by themselves or with other consenting adults and live full and fulfilling lives!

So, follow me here and let’s talk about sex.

My first post also tells you more about my sex-obsessed mind. Katya Evangeline’s Sex-Obsessed Brain 

Find me on Twitter at @KatyaEvangeline I love to chat!


Unless otherwise noted, I do NOT own any of the images and attempt to give proper attribution. Please notify me if you are the owner of an image and you would like it removed.

Profile Image via FreeImages.com/Ryan Arestigui feat. Model Margaret Patera


    • Yup! Well I was always SUPER interested in sex. I don’t do moderation well so … I had some fun in high school and in the first part of college.

      But I felt so bad about it that I became a “born-again virgin!” And I helped found a Christian Club extolling chastity, among other things! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      I think I need to do a post on it! So I didn’t kiss, date, bump uglies 😜by choice for 4 years! Basically my college years! Maybe if I had I would have gotten some of this out of my system… but I didn’t so here I am! And I want to help people free their minds…and bodies. Maybe this is my penance?

      Liked by 3 people

  1. I think you should post pics though. Seriously, if you’re hiding then hide your face. If you think you aren’t hot enough, that’s bullshit – every single boob in the world is hot. – find me a person to disagree.

    just a suggestion because I’m super wise on this.. and also want to see your boobs. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I worked for 35 years as a youth pastor before I retired to write. I was in a mainline liberal protestant denomination rather than a fundamentalist one. Incredibly, Three of my four predecessors in churches where i worked were removed for sexual misconduct with adult members. Their crimes were that of abuse of power more than of a sexual nature. In my work with high school youth I emphasized the healthy goodness of sex. I was fond of saying, “God loves sex! She invented it!” I give thanks every day I never had to take a vow of chastity.

    Liked by 2 people

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